Oh, my goodness the heavens opened up and said today would be a powerhouse of water therefore driving down to Annapolis was a challenge for Deb. She did okay in my estimation, though I had to tell her to slow down a couple of times, especially when we passed at least three accidents going down and two driving back to White Marsh. But she got us there in one piece. No matter, with all the rain and cool winds State Retirees prevailed!
Despite the hurricane (lol) State retirees showed up ready to do battle. Some came from eastern shore, the PA line, one even came from Florida to stand in the rain and show support for me and Delegate Lauren Arikan while we were interviewed by WDVM TV station. I was overwhelmed by this support. It was great! Everyone thanked Delegate Arikan for coming out to support us – especially during the monsoon that was happening at that time.

The reporter loved our rally, our enthusiasm, and our determination. When we got there we were told that the group that had booked their rally for the Lawyers Mall had cancelled. Well a little rain didn’t stop us. We jumped at the chance to rally at the Lawyer’s Mall and set up to prepare for the television interview. The rain stopped and started, was light then heavy and every person who left was wet, but while there we sang, ”We’re not going to take it…anymore” and we chanted and sang again. I know everyone who participated left with a sense of satisfaction. For those brave delegates and Senators that dared to walk by our Rally, they were greeted with “2, 4, 6, 8, We used to work for the State – WE MATTER – WE MATTER, and WE VOTE!
Believe it or not, there was even a Governor sighting as he walked into the mansion. It was like his presence turned on a switch and retirees went into overdrive. The chant was louder and the song was more meaningful to us knowing he was within shouting distance. Senator Corderman made it to the rally late unfortunately (the news cameras had left) but he was greeted with applause and appreciation.
All I can say is that despite the weather, it was a great rally. I genuinely appreciate everyone that took the time to drive to Annapolis and stood in the rain holding signs, chanting and singing. You made your presence felt and turned a cold wet day into a warm beautiful memory. Thank you.
Ken Fitch