CITIZENS of the US & the World
Sign the Petition!

We, as citizens of the United States and of the World believe that the State of Maryland should not deny prescription drug coverage to the disabled and the elderly simply because they are State retirees. The Maryland General Assembly sentenced these state retirees to death when they eliminated the prescription drug coverage program that was paid for and earned during their employment. The elimination of prescription drug coverage is a death sentence for the most vulnerable of our society when old age or infirmity makes access to medicine a crucial necessity to stay alive.
The Acts of the Maryland General Assembly and they and the Governor’s disregard and contempt for human life is an outrage to the conscience of mankind and their callous actions should not prevail. It must be trumpeted as a violation of the most basic of human rights. No government has the right to determine the longevity of a person’s life if that person has not committed a crime against God, society or the people. Any attempt to do so should be viewed as a measured methodical decision to kill the most vulnerable of society. The Maryland General Assembly has passed legislation to do just that when they made the determination that the life of any State retiree who was disabled or had reached the age of 65 should not continue. The only thing stopping these premeditated killings is a Court injunction against its enforcement. See Fitch v. Maryland.
Every person has the right to life, liberty and security of person. Maryland’s targeting of retirees who are disabled and 65 or older should be condemned by all citizens of the United States and the citizens of the World. The Maryland General Assembly has upheld this death penalty after repeated attempts by advocates of the disabled and elderly to repeal this inhumane and unjust law. Now we must turn to you.
Only public pressure can save their lives. Sign this petition and let the State of Maryland, the General Assembly, the Governor and the Attorney General know that eliminating prescription drug coverage for these disabled and elderly retirees is barbarous and cruel, subjecting these retirees to a deliberate and intentional slow torturous death.
The Maryland General Assembly has demonstrated that they do not value human life. Do you? We seek repeal of this offending legislation that has become a death sentence to disabled and elderly State of Maryland retirees. Help us. Don't let them die. They could be your grandparents, your siblings, your Mom and your Dad. Value their lives, respect their sacrifices. The disabled matter. Senior citizens matter. After years of dedicated service, the government should not put them in a position where these retirees are forced to beg for their lives.
NOTICE TO SIGNERS: Sign and print your name. In doing so, you agree that Prescription Drug Coverage should be reinstated for disabled and elderly state retirees and that to the best of your knowledge Maryland’s failure to do so is a violation of their human rights under the laws of God and man.
United We Matter is a volunteer organization dedicated to the preservation of benefits earned by Maryland public sector employees.
The names and addresses obtained will be submitted to the State of Maryland, the Maryland General Assembly, the Governor of Maryland and the Maryland Attorney General to petition for the requested relief necessary to save the lives of retirees who are disabled and have reached the age of 65 or older. This information will not be used for any other purpose. Email addresses are collected to update all persons as to progress of this petition. Thank you for your support.