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2022  News

     Let's find out what the Maryland General Assembly thinks is more important than reinstating your prescription drug coverage.  Remember you earned this benefit, you were promised this benefit and when it came time to deliver all the Maryland General Assembly gave you was a blank check....and they did it under the cover of darkness. 

A Serious Setback

In case you were not aware, Delegate Joe Boteler did not win his primary. Delegate Boteler submitted a bill to reinstate our prescription drug coverage in 2019, 2020 and 2022. He was a very strong supporter for us in the Maryland House of Delegates. I believe that this contributed to his district being redrawn by the General Assembly. They wanted him out and they have succeeded.

This is a serious setback since Delegate Boteler had promised what no other lawmaker has – Delegate Boteler promised to submit a bill in 2023 to reinstate the prescription drug subsidy for every State employee who worked at least 5 years before July 1, 2011. I guess we just didn’t have enough State retirees to make a difference in that district.

We cannot get discouraged though. Ken Fitch is running for State Senate. His purpose was to ensure that a bill would be submitted every year and bring more publicity for our cause. We need to ensure that we do not lose momentum here. So its time to step up and help Ken. More details to follow.

Delegate Johnny Mautz to the Rescue !


Well here comes Delegate Johnny Mautz.  He is my hero for the day!  Delegate Mautz (Wicomico, Dorchester, etc) submitted our bill to reinstate prescription drug coverage as an amendment to SB 417!   As soon as he started talking, Democrat Delegates began vacating the chamber!  They didn't want to go on the record to oppose the bill.


  He received opposition from Delegate Pat Young (Baltimore County).  Then Delegate Joe Boteler (the sponsor of HB 892) got up and made a passionate plea for the House to pass this bill with the RX drug reinstatement amendment.  


            The majority leader of the House, Eric Luedtke, Montgomery County, said that this bill with the amendment needed to be a special order.   A Special Order in the House postpones floor action on a bill until a definite date or time.  Well they rescheduled this for Monday, April 11, 2022.  The last day of session.  If we had managed to get enough interested people United We Matter would have been in Annapolis rallying that day. You see there was a reason why I chose that particular date.  But I digress. 


           We need to call the leadership and Democrat delegates in the House of Delegates.  We have been assured that every Republican delegate will vote for this amendment, so if this doesn’t pass, it will be because not enough Democrats in the House will vote for it.  (Remember we had Democrat sponsors on this bill as well and we expect that they will vote yes to pass this bill).   Please CALL, CALL, CALL.


Here is the video of the House proceedings. Show your friends and fellow retirees.  Let them know that United We Matter is still fighting to reinstate your RX coverage.   We are not going away. 


Link to Delegate Hearing

House Floor Session, 4/6/2022 #1

House streaming session for Wednesday, April 6, 2022

It was a Secret…..

          Even though you might not hear from us, United We Matter continues to fight and this latest fight was a secret…Well now I can tell you what the secret was.  Our Bill, HB 892, was put on as an amendment to SB 417 in the House.   Yup. We did it again. (If you remember Delegate Szeliga put our bill as an amendment in the 2021 session and Delegate Maggie McIntosh killed that amendment)  


Delegate Johnny Mautz - Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot, Wicomico County

House passes bill to give illegals healthcare
.....State retirees are still waiting


     As everyone is aware, United We Matter is pushing the Maryland House (HB 892) and the Maryland Senate (SB 578) to do the right thing for the State retirees who are 65 and older or retired disabled and vested  in the prescription drug program before 2011.  I have been fighting since 2018 to restore this benefit that was stolen by the Maryland legislature.  However, the constant refrain we hear from the Maryland State Legislature is that it costs too much to save the life of these elderly or disabled retirees. (What you don’t hear is that they spent the money that was earmarked for the program like drunken sailors, but I digress.)

       Then I find out that they want to expand the Maryland Medicare program to allow pregnant illegal aliens and their newborns free healthcare.  Yup.  The health service that our tax dollars pay to help Marylanders who are struggling paying for healthcare is now to be expanded to pay for illegal aliens.  Don’t believe me?  Check out HB 1080. HB 1080 has passed the House (96 Democrats voted for the bill /40 Republicans voted against the bill) and it is now winding its way to the Senate Finance Committee.  That bill is SB 778.

       So this is what the General Assembly wants to do with our surplus.  They don’t want to pay off the debt they owe to their former employees, they don’t even want to return a portion of the tax dollars to the Marylanders that paid – that we paid.  Nope. They want to pay for the healthcare of people who illegally trespassed into our country and decided to stay.   Something is wrong with this picture.  Do you see it yet?  

      Well, there are two things we must do. Very simple.  Number one – call the Senate Finance Committee and tell them not to vote for this. The money should be spent on State retirees.   Number two – vote them out in November. 

I have attached the list of who voted for this.  See your State Delegate there?  I would call them and ask them why your health is not as important as an illegal alien and wait for the answer.

Ken Fitch 



See what lawmakers voted for HB 1088.

           Click here 

Read the Bill 

           Click here 


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A Serious Setback

In case you were not aware, Delegate Joe Boteler did not win his primary. Delegate Boteler submitted a bill to reinstate our prescription drug coverage in 2019, 2020 and 2022. He was a very strong supporter for us in the Maryland House of Delegates. I believe that this contributed to his district being redrawn by the General Assembly. They wanted him out and they have succeeded.

This is a serious setback since Delegate Boteler had promised what no other lawmaker has – Delegate Boteler promised to submit a bill in 2023 to reinstate the prescription drug subsidy for every State employee who worked at least 5 years before July 1, 2011. I guess we just didn’t have enough State retirees to make a difference in that district.

We cannot get discouraged though. Ken Fitch is running for State Senate. His purpose was to ensure that a bill would be submitted every year and bring more publicity for our cause. We need to ensure that we do not lose momentum here. So its time to step up and help Ken. More details to follow.

Delegate Johnny Mautz to the Rescue !


Well here comes Delegate Johnny Mautz.  He is my hero for the day!  Delegate Mautz (Wicomico, Dorchester, etc) submitted our bill to reinstate prescription drug coverage as an amendment to SB 417!   As soon as he started talking, Democrat Delegates began vacating the chamber!  They didn't want to go on the record to oppose the bill.


  He received opposition from Delegate Pat Young (Baltimore County).  Then Delegate Joe Boteler (the sponsor of HB 892) got up and made a passionate plea for the House to pass this bill with the RX drug reinstatement amendment.  


            The majority leader of the House, Eric Luedtke, Montgomery County, said that this bill with the amendment needed to be a special order.   A Special Order in the House postpones floor action on a bill until a definite date or time.  Well they rescheduled this for Monday, April 11, 2022.  The last day of session.  If we had managed to get enough interested people United We Matter would have been in Annapolis rallying that day. You see there was a reason why I chose that particular date.  But I digress. 


           We need to call the leadership and Democrat delegates in the House of Delegates.  We have been assured that every Republican delegate will vote for this amendment, so if this doesn’t pass, it will be because not enough Democrats in the House will vote for it.  (Remember we had Democrat sponsors on this bill as well and we expect that they will vote yes to pass this bill).   Please CALL, CALL, CALL.


Here is the video of the House proceedings. Show your friends and fellow retirees.  Let them know that United We Matter is still fighting to reinstate your RX coverage.   We are not going away. 


Link to Delegate Hearing

House Floor Session, 4/6/2022 #1

House streaming session for Wednesday, April 6, 2022

It was a Secret…..

          Even though you might not hear from us, United We Matter continues to fight and this latest fight was a secret…Well now I can tell you what the secret was.  Our Bill, HB 892, was put on as an amendment to SB 417 in the House.   Yup. We did it again. (If you remember Delegate Szeliga put our bill as an amendment in the 2021 session and Delegate Maggie McIntosh killed that amendment)  


Delegate Johnny Mautz - Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot, Wicomico County

House passes bill to give illegals healthcare
.....State retirees are still waiting


     As everyone is aware, United We Matter is pushing the Maryland House (HB 892) and the Maryland Senate (SB 578) to do the right thing for the State retirees who are 65 and older or retired disabled and vested  in the prescription drug program before 2011.  I have been fighting since 2018 to restore this benefit that was stolen by the Maryland legislature.  However, the constant refrain we hear from the Maryland State Legislature is that it costs too much to save the life of these elderly or disabled retirees. (What you don’t hear is that they spent the money that was earmarked for the program like drunken sailors, but I digress.)

       Then I find out that they want to expand the Maryland Medicare program to allow pregnant illegal aliens and their newborns free healthcare.  Yup.  The health service that our tax dollars pay to help Marylanders who are struggling paying for healthcare is now to be expanded to pay for illegal aliens.  Don’t believe me?  Check out HB 1080. HB 1080 has passed the House (96 Democrats voted for the bill /40 Republicans voted against the bill) and it is now winding its way to the Senate Finance Committee.  That bill is SB 778.

       So this is what the General Assembly wants to do with our surplus.  They don’t want to pay off the debt they owe to their former employees, they don’t even want to return a portion of the tax dollars to the Marylanders that paid – that we paid.  Nope. They want to pay for the healthcare of people who illegally trespassed into our country and decided to stay.   Something is wrong with this picture.  Do you see it yet?  

      Well, there are two things we must do. Very simple.  Number one – call the Senate Finance Committee and tell them not to vote for this. The money should be spent on State retirees.   Number two – vote them out in November. 

I have attached the list of who voted for this.  See your State Delegate there?  I would call them and ask them why your health is not as important as an illegal alien and wait for the answer.

Ken Fitch 



See what lawmakers voted for HB 1088.

           Click here 

Read the Bill 

           Click here 


Delegate Joe Boteler defeated in Primary!

A Serious Setback

          In case you were not aware, Delegate Joe Boteler did not win his primary. Delegate Boteler submitted a bill to reinstate our prescription drug coverage in 2019, 2020 and 2022. He was a very strong supporter for us in the Maryland House of Delegates. I believe that this contributed to his district being redrawn by the General Assembly. They wanted him out and they have succeeded.

          This is a serious setback since Delegate Boteler had promised what no other lawmaker has – Delegate Boteler promised to submit a bill in 2023 to reinstate the prescription drug subsidy for every State employee who worked at least 5 years before July 1, 2011. I guess we just didn’t have enough State retirees to make a difference in that district.

          We cannot get discouraged though. Ken Fitch is running for State Senate. His purpose was to ensure that a bill would be submitted every year and bring more publicity for our cause. We need to ensure that we do not lose momentum here. So its time to step up and help Ken. More details to follow.

Delegate Johnny Mautz to the Rescue !


Well here comes Delegate Johnny Mautz.  He is my hero for the day!  Delegate Mautz (Wicomico, Dorchester, etc) submitted our bill to reinstate prescription drug coverage as an amendment to SB 417!   As soon as he started talking, Democrat Delegates began vacating the chamber!  They didn't want to go on the record to oppose the bill.


  He received opposition from Delegate Pat Young (Baltimore County).  Then Delegate Joe Boteler (the sponsor of HB 892) got up and made a passionate plea for the House to pass this bill with the RX drug reinstatement amendment.  


            The majority leader of the House, Eric Luedtke, Montgomery County, said that this bill with the amendment needed to be a special order.   A Special Order in the House postpones floor action on a bill until a definite date or time.  Well they rescheduled this for Monday, April 11, 2022.  The last day of session.  If we had managed to get enough interested people United We Matter would have been in Annapolis rallying that day. You see there was a reason why I chose that particular date.  But I digress. 


           We need to call the leadership and Democrat delegates in the House of Delegates.  We have been assured that every Republican delegate will vote for this amendment, so if this doesn’t pass, it will be because not enough Democrats in the House will vote for it.  (Remember we had Democrat sponsors on this bill as well and we expect that they will vote yes to pass this bill).   Please CALL, CALL, CALL.


Here is the video of the House proceedings. Show your friends and fellow retirees.  Let them know that United We Matter is still fighting to reinstate your RX coverage.   We are not going away. 


Link to Delegate Hearing

House Floor Session, 4/6/2022 #1

House streaming session for Wednesday, April 6, 2022

It was a Secret…..

          Even though you might not hear from us, United We Matter continues to fight and this latest fight was a secret…Well now I can tell you what the secret was.  Our Bill, HB 892, was put on as an amendment to SB 417 in the House.   Yup. We did it again. (If you remember Delegate Szeliga put our bill as an amendment in the 2021 session and Delegate Maggie McIntosh killed that amendment)  


Delegate Johnny Mautz - Caroline, Dorchester, Talbot, Wicomico County

House passes bill to give illegals healthcare
.....State retirees are still waiting


     As everyone is aware, United We Matter is pushing the Maryland House (HB 892) and the Maryland Senate (SB 578) to do the right thing for the State retirees who are 65 and older or retired disabled and vested  in the prescription drug program before 2011.  I have been fighting since 2018 to restore this benefit that was stolen by the Maryland legislature.  However, the constant refrain we hear from the Maryland State Legislature is that it costs too much to save the life of these elderly or disabled retirees. (What you don’t hear is that they spent the money that was earmarked for the program like drunken sailors, but I digress.)

       Then I find out that they want to expand the Maryland Medicare program to allow pregnant illegal aliens and their newborns free healthcare.  Yup.  The health service that our tax dollars pay to help Marylanders who are struggling paying for healthcare is now to be expanded to pay for illegal aliens.  Don’t believe me?  Check out HB 1080. HB 1080 has passed the House (96 Democrats voted for the bill /40 Republicans voted against the bill) and it is now winding its way to the Senate Finance Committee.  That bill is SB 778.

       So this is what the General Assembly wants to do with our surplus.  They don’t want to pay off the debt they owe to their former employees, they don’t even want to return a portion of the tax dollars to the Marylanders that paid – that we paid.  Nope. They want to pay for the healthcare of people who illegally trespassed into our country and decided to stay.   Something is wrong with this picture.  Do you see it yet?  

      Well, there are two things we must do. Very simple.  Number one – call the Senate Finance Committee and tell them not to vote for this. The money should be spent on State retirees.   Number two – vote them out in November. 

I have attached the list of who voted for this.  See your State Delegate there?  I would call them and ask them why your health is not as important as an illegal alien and wait for the answer.

Ken Fitch 



See what lawmakers voted for HB 1088.

           Click here 

Read the Bill 

           Click here 

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