Trying to get a video platform that will do all that we require is a daunting task, but we continue. Be patient with this learning curve which obviously will require some guidelines. Help me to help you get the information you are seeking.
Our Next meeting will be on Zoom again!
Notice and links will not be sent out through our Wix web page.
Notice of the meeting will be sent out by email at least one week before the event letting you know day, date and time. The meeting will also be posted on the website . Exception: Emergency meetings.
Links to join the meeting we be send out by email 48 hours (2 days) before the meeting date.
If you have not received an email with the links within 24 hours (1 day) of the meeting, but have received notice of the meeting email me at .
If you have not received notice of the meeting, you will not receive an email giving the links to join. This means there are problems with your application which need to be corrected to get your email address on the notice list. To correct this issue, please email me at Do not send a Facebook private message the day of the meeting to gain the links for access.
Don't try calling an hour before the meeting or at the meeting time to obtain the links for access to the meeting.
If you're not in good standing with your membership you cannot be approved to attend the meeting.
If you did not put an email address on your membership application you will not receive notice or the links of the meeting.
When you sign into the meeting, please put your first and last name or you will not gain entry into the meeting. Example: email addresses, first name only or nicknames, handler id’s or listings like the Fitch Family, etc. All members need to be verified.
Please do not share the link.
Again Please help me to help you !
Ken Fitch
Thank you, Ken!