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October 31, 2020 - Reflections

Today is an anniversary of sorts. Well I view it as an anniversary – one that I will continue to celebrate as long as this litigation is pending. That’s the anniversary of when Ken Fitch was released from the hospital. It is even more astounding since his bouts in the hospital all ended with his release on Halloween.

In 2018, Ken asked me and Breon Johnson to file suit against the State of Maryland on behalf of the estimated 48,000 to 90,000 State retirees who would lose their prescription drug coverage as of October 15, 2018. We effectively sued and was awarded an injunction on October 10, 2018. The sad part was that, at that time, Ken was in the hospital in ICU fighting for his life after kidney failure. His organs had begun shutting down. But Ken’s will persevered and he was released from the hospital on October 31, 2018 (Halloween), weak but determined. I don’t have to recount all the work he did that year to build on the momentum of that injunction ruling. He was all over the State – fighting to make the legislative branch of State government mirror our success with the judicial branch.

The fight in 2019 led to the Ken’s re-entry into the hospital again. This time with AFIB, a heart condition, that when discovered dictated he be taken to the hospital immediately. Thankfully, with rest and medication, Ken was able to be released from the hospital on October 31, 2019 – Halloween. You see it is an anniversary. One where I choose to celebrate Ken’s strength – his will, his determination.

I wrote last year on this anniversary “He believed when no one else would. He pushed, he cajoled, he stood up to be counted - on behalf of thousands - to turn the tables on the State. What will one man endure to right a wrong? What obstacles will he face to champion this? He is fighting for people he does not know, people who don’t like him, people who ridicule and berate him and most importantly, he battles these obstacles to fight for you. And you guys fought for him by asking for his recovery with your prayers. Wow together you make a formidable team! “

I stand by that statement when I celebrate this anniversary because during this time of Covid, Ken has not stopped fighting – he is just using other methods. I, for one, am glad he is still here and still fighting. Happy Anniversary Ken. God is not finished with you yet.

The difference between a successful person and others in not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will. Vince Lombardi, Jr.

Deborah Hill

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1 Comment

Unknown member
Nov 01, 2020

Deb Hill Thank you for the kind words ,This fight is not over, I for one sees the time hard work you put in, I think some times' people are tired of the fight, (Covid , looting, riots ) but we cant give up. and will not

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